Surfin' the Waves of Creative Collaboration

Contrast Media Labs and IVC Students Produce Live FX Surfing Experience

Posted: April 4, 2024

In a groundbreaking collaboration, Contrast Media Labs teamed up with students from Irvine Valley College's Interactive Media Arts program, under the direction of Dr. Patricia Beckman-Wells. The college's Projection Mapping class and the Contrast team were able to craft an immersive experience that added an extra layer of excitement to the grand opening of IVC's Arts Village and the premiere night of the musical, "Surfing Days."

The immersive experience, unveiled at the Performing Arts Center lobby, offered attendees a live effects experience of surfing a wave. The team utilized cutting-edge technology, including Unity for the bioluminescent particle simulation, audio integration, and an Orbbec RGB/Depth sensor for tracking the surfer's movement. The team crafted this experience to replicate the thrill of surfing a wave. Using multiple projectors to construct an interactive backdrop that responded to the surfer's movements and applied a photorealistic texture to the white Styrofoam surfboard prop. The ambient sounds were of actual beach recordings from Dana Point, California helped create a multi-sensory immersive experience.

Several students from IVC played pivotal roles in the project, like Collin Chow, who created the animation of the waves using Adobe After Effects. Even though it was his first animation, his excitement about the result and the valuable hands-on learning experience was so valuable.

Siva Ridley, a high school student taking classes at IVC, was responsible for creating the floor cutouts for the activation spot, designing the audio-reactive line on the surfboard, and selecting the music clip, among other tasks.

IVC student, Miranda Brien, was co-producer, orchestrating connections and bringing the group together to realize the project's vision of nostalgia.

Felix Trinh, pursuing an associate degree in interactive media, contributed to research and development, ensuring the practicality and functionality of the project elements, including mapping the surfboard using the program Madmapper. Their diverse contributions and dedication were instrumental in the project's success.

The integration of hardware and software components was the key to success, those integrations included an NDI delivery feed from the simulation PC to the projection PC and an Arduino-based sensor for motion-triggered music inside Unity. Miranda Brien's artistic contributions, such as the luminescent wave design and backdrop particles, underscored the project's aesthetic appeal and attention to detail.

The success of this collaboration not only highlights the students' talents but also demonstrates the potential for future partnerships between industry experts and aspiring talents. Contrast Media Labs is committed to nurturing creativity and innovation in immersive technologies, providing students with valuable learning opportunities and real-world experiences. This collaboration is just the beginning, and we are excited about the possibilities for more innovative and exciting projects in the future, fostering a new generation of immersive media creators.